About Us

Early morning ear tugs from forefathers led way to variety springtime farming adventures of checking fish traps, nurturing livestock and sowing plants and seeds. Plenty of hard work, hand held tools and a variety of gasoline operated contraptions lead to abundant seasonal harvests and a steady flow of fresh meals, smoking meats and fish, food canning and then also times of making, racking and bottling vast barrels of wine.

These harvest gatherings eventually made way to tables set for family, friends and guests. At the head table sat a convivial man whose ambition was to practice and transfer his deep rooted traditions on to friends and family. Fortunate am I to have been a part of this brand of upbringing, and even more privileged to have had a grandpa impart the “get-up-and-go” that eventually prepared me for the hard work of beekeeping.

Labor of love ambitions and keeping new and old traditions fresh are essential nuts and bolts for down-to-earth wholesome living. Honey at the table is just one ingredient of keeping these traditions alive and it’s with hard work and pleasure this appealing food source is presented… Please enjoy!