Presently a natural ingredient hand salve is being sold, and is a mixture of beeswax, raw mango butter, raw coconut oil and an essential oil. This semi-stiff blend has no water or fillers and once it's scooped out and applied, it typically will last all day! This is the staple beeswax product you'll find (If…
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Summer Honey
Summer honey (As it's called in the beekeeping world), is actually a gathering of commonly prepared late springtime nectars such as basswood, black locust and an assortment of wildflowers. Our summer honey is slightly heated to 115 degrees to slow down crystallization, and then also slightly sieved. These liquid seasonal blends drizzled on any mealtime…
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Raw Honey
Our raw honey is becoming more and more popular, highly recognized and pursued each day! Unheated and sieved, our raw honey consists of goldenrod, aster, Japanese knotweed and other nectar blends. Raw blends naturally and quickly crystalize shortly after being packed, and then also sustain their flavors each time a new jar is opened! Coffee…
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